Tuesday, 15 November 2016

My P.E blog post

Hi  and welcome to Anika's blog. Today I will share what we do in P.E. So in P.E time we get into our groups  and the groups are named 

We all love P.E because we do  skipping, running and throwing.

This is me Running back in the  relay.

This is me running in the relay.

By Anika 

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

My Arts blog/sketching

                      Arts blog/sketching 

Hello and welcome back to my amazing blog. If you are wondering what this picture is, it is my Art. This Mrs Carr's Sketching group. She taught  me and my best friends. She is the best at art. Guess why? Because she can sketch a stapler and very good scissors and a felt tip pen.

Thank you for Reading.